""" KALMUS tkinter GUI utility """
import cv2
import kalmus.utils.measure_utils as measure_utils
import os
import sys
import numpy as np
from skimage.color import hsv2rgb, rgb2hsv
from matplotlib.ticker import FuncFormatter
[docs]def compare_two_barcodes(barcode_1, barcode_2):
Compare the similarity between two barcodes using NRMSE, SSIM, cross correlation, local cross correlation,
Needleman Wunsch, and Smith Waterman alignment matching
:param barcode_1: The input barcode 1
:param barcode_2: The input barcode 2
:return: The simiarity scores computed using all six metrics
# Resize two barcodes so they have the same shape
# Alway resize the small barcode to the shape of the larger barcode
target_barcode_1 = barcode_1.get_barcode().astype("float64")
target_barcode_2 = barcode_2.get_barcode().astype("float64")
if target_barcode_1.size <= target_barcode_2.size:
target_barcode_1 = cv2.resize(target_barcode_1, dsize=target_barcode_2.shape[:2][::-1],
elif target_barcode_1.size > target_barcode_2.size:
target_barcode_2 = cv2.resize(target_barcode_2, dsize=target_barcode_1.shape[:2][::-1],
# Get the cross correlation and local cross correlation
cross_corre = measure_utils.cross_correlation(target_barcode_1.astype("float64"),
loc_cross_corre = measure_utils.local_cross_correlation(target_barcode_1.astype("float64"),
# Get the Normalized root mean squared error and and Structual similarity index measurement
nrmse = measure_utils.nrmse_similarity(target_barcode_1.astype("float64"),
ssim = measure_utils.ssim_similarity(target_barcode_1.astype("float64"),
# Get the color/brightness of two barcodes
if barcode_1.barcode_type == "Color":
colors_barcode_1 = barcode_1.colors
colors_barcode_2 = barcode_2.colors
colors_barcode_1 = barcode_1.brightness
colors_barcode_2 = barcode_2.brightness
# Resample the barcodes if the barcodes have different size/length
if colors_barcode_1.shape[0] > colors_barcode_2.shape[0]:
colors_barcode_1 = colors_barcode_1[measure_utils.get_resample_index(len(colors_barcode_1),
elif colors_barcode_1.shape[0] < colors_barcode_2.shape[0]:
colors_barcode_2 = colors_barcode_2[measure_utils.get_resample_index(len(colors_barcode_2),
# Convert the barcode to character string for alignment matching comparison
# Convert the barcode to correct character based on its barcode type
if barcode_1.barcode_type == "Color":
string_1 = measure_utils.generate_hue_strings_from_color_barcode(colors_barcode_1)
string_2 = measure_utils.generate_hue_strings_from_color_barcode(colors_barcode_2)
string_1 = measure_utils.generate_brightness_string_from_brightness_barcode(colors_barcode_1)
string_2 = measure_utils.generate_brightness_string_from_brightness_barcode(colors_barcode_2)
# Get the Needleman Wunsch and Smith Waterman alignment matching score
needleman = measure_utils.compare_needleman_wunsch(string_1, string_2, normalized=True)
smithw = measure_utils.compare_smith_waterman(string_1, string_2, normalized=True)
return cross_corre, loc_cross_corre, nrmse, ssim, needleman, smithw
[docs]def get_comparison_result_text(barcode_1, barcode_2):
Get the text comparison result using the compare_two_barcodes function
:param barcode_1: The compared barcode 1
:param barcode_2: The compared barcode 2
:return: The text comparison result
# Return error text if two barcodes are not in the same type
if barcode_1.barcode_type != barcode_2.barcode_type:
result_text = "ERROR:\nComparison between different types of\n" \
"barcode type {:s} and {:s}\nare not allowed.".format(barcode_1.barcode_type,
return result_text
# Get the similarity score from the compare_two_barcodes function
cross_corre, loc_cross_corre, nrmse, ssim, needleman, smith = compare_two_barcodes(barcode_1, barcode_2)
# Get the text result
result_text = "Comparison metrics:\n" \
"NRMSE Similarity: {:10.4f}\n" \
"SSIM Similarity: {:10.4f}\n" \
"Cross Correlation: {:10.4f}\n" \
"Local Cross Correlation: {:10.4f}\n" \
"Needleman Wunsch Similarity:{:10.4f}\n" \
"Smith Waterman Similarity: {:10.4f}".format(nrmse, ssim, cross_corre, loc_cross_corre,
needleman, smith)
return result_text
[docs]def get_time(barcode, x_pos, y_pos):
Get the time (hr, min, sec) at a point of barcode
:param barcode: The barcode object
:param x_pos: The x position of the query
:param y_pos: The y position of the query
:return: time frame, hr, min, sec at the given point (x_pos, y_pos)
# Compute the frame label
frame = (barcode.skip_over + barcode.sampled_frame_rate *
((x_pos * barcode.get_barcode().shape[0]) + y_pos)) * barcode.scale_factor
frame = int(frame)
# If frame rate is not given, use 30 as default
if barcode.fps is None:
barcode.fps = 30
# Compute the time label
time_tot_sec = frame / barcode.fps
time_sec = int(time_tot_sec % 60)
time_min = int((time_tot_sec / 60) % 60)
time_hr = int(time_tot_sec / 3600)
return frame, time_hr, time_min, time_sec
[docs]def update_graph(barcode_1, barcode_2, axes, bin_step=5):
Update the plotted graph (in place)
:param barcode_1: The barcode 1
:param barcode_2: The barcode 2
:param axes: The axes of the plotted figure
:param bin_step: The step of histogram bin
# Plot the barcode with the correct color map based on their barcode types
if barcode_1.barcode_type == "Brightness":
axes[0][0].imshow(barcode_1.get_barcode().astype("uint8"), cmap='gray', vmin=0, vmax=255)
if barcode_2.barcode_type == "Brightness":
axes[1][0].imshow(barcode_2.get_barcode().astype("uint8"), cmap='gray', vmin=0, vmax=255)
# Rescale the axis range
# And update the plot
for axis in axes.ravel():
# Update the axis ticks of the plotted axes
update_axes_ticks(barcode_1, barcode_2, axes)
# Update the title of the plotted axes
update_axes_title(axes, barcode_1, barcode_2)
# Update the histogram of the barcode 1
update_hist(barcode_1, ax=axes[0][1], bin_step=bin_step)
# Update the histogram of the barcode 2
update_hist(barcode_2, ax=axes[1][1], bin_step=bin_step)
[docs]def update_axes_ticks(barcode1, barcode2, axes):
Update the axes ticks
If two barcodes have the same temporal dimensions, the ticks will show the temporal position of a pixel in the
barcode image. Otherwise, the axes ticks will show the spatial position of a pixel.
:param barcode1: The barcode 1
:param barcode2: The barcode 2
:param axes: The axes of the plotted figure
frames_per_column_1 = barcode1.sampled_frame_rate * barcode1.get_barcode().shape[0] \
* barcode1.scale_factor
frames_per_column_2 = barcode2.sampled_frame_rate * barcode2.get_barcode().shape[0] \
* barcode2.scale_factor
seconds_per_column1 = frames_per_column_1 / barcode1.fps
seconds_per_column2 = frames_per_column_2 / barcode2.fps
axes[0][0].set_ylabel("{:.2f}s per column".format(seconds_per_column1))
axes[1][0].set_ylabel("{:.2f}s per column".format(seconds_per_column2))
if np.round(seconds_per_column1, decimals=0) == np.round(seconds_per_column2, decimals=0):
def get_seconds_str_yticks(tick_value, pos):
seconds = np.round(tick_value * seconds_per_column2, decimals=0).astype("int")
return "{:02d}:{:02d}".format(seconds // 60, seconds % 60)
axes[1][0].set_xlabel("Elapsed Time (mins:secs)")
def get_seconds_str_xticks(tick_value, pos):
seconds = tick_value * barcode1.sampled_frame_rate * barcode1.scale_factor / barcode1.fps
return "{:.1f}s".format(seconds)
[docs]def update_axes_title(axes, barcode_1, barcode_2):
Update the title of the plotted axes (in place)
:param axes: The plotted axes of the figure
:param barcode_1: The barcode 1
:param barcode_2: The barcode 2
title_1 = "Barcode 1"
title_2 = "Barcode 2"
keys = ["Film Title", "Produced Year", "Genre"]
# Update the meta data into the title of the plotted figure
if barcode_1.meta_data is not None:
for key in keys:
if key in barcode_1.meta_data.keys():
title_1 += " {:s}: {:s}".format(key, barcode_1.meta_data[key])
# Update the Frame sampling type and color/brightness metric into the title
title_1 += " Frame Type:{:s} {:s} Metric:{:s}".format(barcode_1.frame_type, barcode_1.barcode_type,
# Update the meta data into the title of the plotted figure
if barcode_2.meta_data is not None:
for key in keys:
if key in barcode_2.meta_data.keys():
title_2 += " {:s}: {:s}".format(key, barcode_2.meta_data[key])
# Update the Frame sampling type and color/brightness metric into the title
title_2 += " Frame Type:{:s} {:s} Metric:{:s}".format(barcode_2.frame_type, barcode_2.barcode_type,
# Set up the title
axes[0][0].set_title(title_1, fontsize=8)
axes[1][0].set_title(title_2, fontsize=8)
# Change the histogram's label and xticks accordingly
if barcode_1.barcode_type == "Color":
axes[0][1].set_xticks(np.arange(0, 361, 30))
axes[0][1].set_xlabel("Color Hue (0 - 360)")
axes[0][1].set_ylabel("Number of frames")
elif barcode_1.barcode_type == "Brightness":
axes[0][1].set_xticks(np.arange(0, 256, 16))
axes[0][1].set_xlabel("Brightness (0 - 255)")
axes[0][1].set_ylabel("Number of frames")
if barcode_2.barcode_type == "Color":
axes[1][1].set_xticks(np.arange(0, 361, 30))
axes[1][1].set_xlabel("Color Hue (0 - 360)")
axes[1][1].set_ylabel("Number of frames")
elif barcode_2.barcode_type == "Brightness":
axes[1][1].set_xticks(np.arange(0, 256, 32))
axes[1][1].set_xlabel("Brightness (0 - 255)")
axes[1][1].set_ylabel("Number of frames")
[docs]def update_hist(barcode, ax, bin_step=5):
Update the histogram of the plotted figure (in place)
:param barcode: The barcode of the corresponding histogram
:param ax: The axis that contain the histogram
:param bin_step: The step of the bin in the plotted histogram
bin_step = bin_step
# Plot the histogram based on the barcode's type
if barcode.barcode_type == "Color":
# If the barcode type is color
# Then plot the barcode's hue value
normalized_barcode = barcode.get_barcode().astype("float") / 255
hsv_colors = rgb2hsv(normalized_barcode.reshape(-1, 1, 3))
hue = hsv_colors[..., 0] * 360
N, bins, patches = ax.hist(hue[:, 0], bins=(np.arange(0, 361, bin_step)))
# Paint each bin with its corresponding color in hue
paint_hue_hist(bin_step, patches)
# If the barcode type is brightness
N, bins, patches = ax.hist(barcode.brightness[:, 0], bins=(np.arange(0, 256, bin_step)))
# Then paint each bin with its brightness intensity
paint_gray_hist(bin_step, patches, opacity=0.9)
[docs]def paint_hue_hist(bin_step, patches):
Paint each bin of the hue histogram with its corresponding color in hue (in place)
:param bin_step: The step of the bin in the histogram
:param patches: The patches of the histogram that will be painted later
# Paint each bin of the histogram
for i in range(len(patches)):
# Get the hue first
hue = np.array([i * bin_step / 360.0, 1.0, 1.0]).astype("float64")
hue = np.expand_dims(np.expand_dims(hue, 0), 0)
# Then get the corresponding color
rgb = hsv2rgb(hue).tolist()
rgb_tuple = (rgb[0][0][0], rgb[0][0][1], rgb[0][0][2])
# Paint each patch of the histogram
[docs]def paint_gray_hist(bin_step, patches, opacity=0.8):
Paint each bin of the brightness histogram with its corresponding brightness intensity (in place)
:param bin_step: The step of the bin in the histogram
:param patches: The patches of the histogram
:param opacity: Opacity of the brightness intensity to avoid totally white in the high intensity bin \
To make the histogram bin in high intensity area more observable
for i in range(len(patches)):
# Get the RGB gray color for each bin
bri_rgb_tuple = (bin_step * i * opacity / 255, bin_step * i * opacity / 255, bin_step * i * opacity / 255)
[docs]def resource_path(relative_path):
Internal utility function
Use to convert the input relative path to the absolute path
This is used for the Pyinstaller wrapper
:param relative_path: The relative path to the file
:return: The absolute path to the file
# If the MEIPASS base path exist
base_path = sys._MEIPASS
except Exception:
# Otherwise use the absolute path
if relative_path.endswith(".ico"):
# If the path points to .ico image
if os.name != "nt":
# If the running os is linux
relative_path = relative_path[:-3]
# Replace the .ico image with image in .xbm format
relative_path += "xbm"
# Join the path
base_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
base_path = os.path.join(base_path, '../data')
if relative_path.endswith(".xbm"):
# If the image is .xbm image
if os.name != "nt":
# and the running os is linux
# Add @ identifier at the front of path
base_path = "@" + base_path
# Return the path
return os.path.join(base_path, relative_path)