Plot Barcode Windows Classes

PlotBarcodeWindow Class ColorHistogramWindow Class RGBColorCubeWindow Class OutputCSVWindow Class

class kalmus.tkinter_windows.plot_barcodes_windows.PlotBarcodeWindow.ColorHistogramWindow(barcode)[source]

Bases: object

ColorHistogramWindow Class GUI window that show the distribution of the barcode's hue[0, 360]/brightness[0, 255] value

class kalmus.tkinter_windows.plot_barcodes_windows.PlotBarcodeWindow.HueLight3DBarPlotWindow(barcode, figure_size=(6.5, 6.5))[source]

Bases: object

HueLight3DBarPlotWindow Class GUI window that shows the distribution of the barcode's color in a Hue (x-axis) vs. Light (y-axis) vs. Counts/Frequency (z-axis) 3D bar plot. The color of the barcode will be converted from RGB to HSV/HSL color space. Hue ranges from 0 to 360 degree and Light range from 0 to 1 (darkest to the brightest)

class kalmus.tkinter_windows.plot_barcodes_windows.PlotBarcodeWindow.HueLightScatterPlotWindow(barcode)[source]

Bases: object

HueLightScatterPlotWindow Class GUI window that shows the distribution of the barcode's color in a Hue (x-axis) vs. Light (y-axis) scatter plot. The color of the barcode will be converted from RGB to HSV/HSL color space. Hue ranges from 0 to 360 degree and light range from 0 to 1 (darkest to the brightest)

class kalmus.tkinter_windows.plot_barcodes_windows.PlotBarcodeWindow.OutputCSVWindow(barcode)[source]

Bases: object

OutputCSVWindow class GUI window that outputs the per frame level color/brightness data of the inspected barcode The data output are stored in the csv file, and the data frame depends on the type of the barcode


Browse the folder to locate the json file


Output the per frame level data to a csv file

class kalmus.tkinter_windows.plot_barcodes_windows.PlotBarcodeWindow.PlotBarcodeWindow(barcode, figsize=(6, 4), dpi=100)[source]

Bases: object

PlotBarcodeWindow Class GUI window of plotting the barcode for user to inspect in details


Instantiate the RGBColorCubeWindow if user press the show color in RGB cube button


Instantiate the ColorHistogramWindow if user press the show histogram button


Instantiate the HueBrightness3DBarPlotWindow if user press the show color in hue light scatter button


Instantiate the LightHueScatterPlotWindow if user press the show color in hue light scatter button

class kalmus.tkinter_windows.plot_barcodes_windows.PlotBarcodeWindow.RGBColorCubeWindow(barcode)[source]

Bases: object

RGBColorCubeWindow Class GUI window that shows the distribution of the barcode's RGB color in a RGB cube range in [0, 255] for all three channels