Artist Utility¶
Utility artist
(labels, original_image)[source]¶ Compute average color and brightest color of the regions and record the relative size of the regions as a ratio with respect to the size of whole image.
- Parameters
labels (numpy.ndarray) -- The labeled image. Expected shape==height x width. Integer labels
original_image (numpy.ndarray) -- The original color image corresponding to the label image
- Returns
A list of average color of the regions, a list of brightest color of the regions, and a list of sizes of the regions. The order of the regions in list is the same as they are in labeled image
- Return type
(list, list, list)
(grey_image, color_image, return_min=False, gaussian_blur=False, blur_radius=15)[source]¶ Find the brightest pixel in an image and return the color and brightness at that pixel
- Parameters
grey_image (numpy.ndarray) -- The greyscale image. single channel 2D image. Expected shape==(row/height, col/width)
color_image (numpy.ndarray) -- The corresponding color image. Expected shape==(row/height, col/width, channels)
return_min (bool) -- If true return the darkest color and brightness (of a pixel) as well
gaussian_blur (bool) -- Whether to apply a gaussian filter before finding the brightest point the grey image
blur_radius (int) -- The radius of the gaussian filter
- Returns
The color and brightness of the brightest pixel (, color and brightness of the darkest pixel)
- Return type
(numpy.ndarray, int, tuple)
(image, n_clusters=3, max_iter=10, threshold_error=1.0, attempts=10)[source]¶ Compute the dominant color of an input image using the kmeans clustering. The centers of the clusters are the dominant colors of the input image
- Parameters
image (numpy.ndarray) -- input image. Either a multi-channel color image or a grayscale image (2D image) Expected shape of image is height x width x (channels)
n_clusters (int) -- number of clusters
max_iter (int) -- maximum iterations before terminating kmeans clustering
threshold_error (float) -- threshold error for terminating kmeans clustering. kmean clustering terminate when the errors between the current computed and previous computed cluster center is under this threshold
attempts (int) -- Number of attempts to rerun the Kmeans clustering with different initial cluster centers. Since kmeans clustering randomly choose n number of cluster in its initialization process.
- Returns
An array of n cluster centers and an array of relative size (in percentage) of the clusters. Expected output shape: n_clusters x channels (cluster centers), n_clusters (relative size in percentage) E.g. for an input color image with 3 channels and n_clusters = 3 Output can be [[255, 255, 255], [126, 75, 198], [186, 145, 122]], [0.4, 0.5, 0.1]
- Return type
(numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray)
(image)[source]¶ Compute the average/mean color of the input multi-channel image or greyscale image.
- Parameters
image (numpy.ndarray) -- input image. Either a multi-channel color image or a single channel greyscale image
- Returns
The average color of the image (averaged across the channels). shape==channels.
- Return type
(image)[source]¶ Compute the median color of the input multi-channel color image or a single channel greyscale image.
- Parameters
image (numpy.ndarray) -- input image. Either a multi-channel color image or a single channel greyscale image
- Returns
The median color of the image (median values of channels), shape==channels
- Return type
(image, bin_size=10)[source]¶ compute the mode color of an input image
- Parameters
image (numpy.ndarray) -- either a multi-channel color image or a single channel greyscale image Expected shape of image: height x width x (channels)
bin_size (int) -- Histogramize the input image. Color/intensity of each pixel in the image will be accumulate in the bins with size==bin_size. The output mode color/intensity is always an integer multiple of the bin_size.
- Returns
The mode color of the image (modes of the channels), shape=channels, and counts of the mode colors happened in the input image, shape==channels
- Return type
(numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray)
(label)[source]¶ Compute the ratio/percentage size of the labels in an labeled image
- Parameters
label (numpy.ndarray) -- the labeled 2D image
- Returns
An array of relative size of the labels in the image. Indices of the sizes in the array is corresponding to the labels in the labeled image. E.g. output [0.2, 0.5, 0.3] means label 0's size is 0.2 of the labeled image, label 1' size is 0.5 of the labeled image, and label 2's size is 0.3 of the labeled image.
- Return type
(region_colors, matrix, region_weights=None)[source]¶ Compute the contrast between the segmented regions in image using the color of regions and adjacency matrix
- Parameters
region_colors (list) -- A list of colors of segmented regions
matrix (numpy.ndarray) -- A 2D adjacency matrix that describe the spatial relationship between the regions Expect a binary matrix, where 1 means adjacent and 0 means non-adjacent
region_weights (list) -- A 1D array of weights that can be applied onto the contrast calculate for each regions. e.g. Regions may have different sizes, and you can weight the computed contrast by the size of the regions. Expected shape of the regions weight is shape==number of regions
- Returns
A 2D numpy matrix where each entry is the contrast between the row indexed region and column indexed region. Contrast ratio >= 1, an entry with 0 means row indexed region and column indexed region are non-adjacent
- Return type
(color1, color2)[source]¶ Compute the contrast ratio between two 24-bits RGB colors in range [0, 255] see for more references
- Parameters
color1 (numpy.ndarray) -- one of the 24-bits RGB colors in range [0, 255]
color2 (numpy.ndarray) -- one of the 24-bits RGB colors in range [0, 255]
- Returns
the contrast ratio between two 24-bits RGB colors. Contrast ratio >= 1
- Return type
(image, n_clusters=3, blur_radius=21, amount_of_bright_parts=0.8, return_all_pos=False)[source]¶ Find the indices location of the top-k brightest spots in an color image.
- Parameters
image (numpy.ndarray) -- input image. Must be an mutli-channel RGB color image
n_clusters (int) -- expected number of clusters/brightest spots in the input image
blur_radius (int) -- radius of the Gaussian blur kernel that used to smooth the image
amount_of_bright_parts (float) -- amount of bright parts in an image. Used to find the lower bound for distinguishing the bright and non-bright part of the input image. Range of amount_of_bright_parts is in [0, 1] (all non-bright -> all bright)
- Returns
The location of centers of top-3 bright spots (with irregular shape), percentage of dominance of each spot (relative size of the spot)
- Return type
(numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray)
(video, num_sample=30)[source]¶ Find the position of letterbox (black bars around the scene) in the input cv2 video object. The function samples out num_sample (20 by default) number of frames from cv2 video object, and find the position of letterbox in each frame. The function uses the median results from all sampled frames as the final position of video's letterbox.
Notice that the function assumes the letterbox is black or very close to black.
- Parameters
video (cv2.VideoCapture) -- Input video object captured by cv2.VideoCapture()
num_sample (int) -- Number of frames to sample from video for finding letterbox
- Returns
The smaller row index of letterbox (bound for upper horizontal letterbox), the larger row index of letterbox (bound for lower horizontal letterbox), the smaller col index of letterbox (bound for left vertical letterbox), and the larger col index of letterbox (bound for right vertical letterbox). The results are the median results on num_sample number of frames
- Return type
(int, int, int, int)
(image)[source]¶ Flat the input 2D image into an 1D image while preserve the channels of the input image with shape==[height x width, channels]
- Parameters
image (numpy.ndarray) -- Input 2D image (either multi-channel color image or greyscale image)
- Returns
The flatten 1D image. shape==(height x width, channels)
- Return type
(frame, minimum_segment_size=0.0004)[source]¶ Helper function that use the watershed method to segment the input image return the matrix of the brightness contrast of each segmented region with respect to its neighbors (adjacent segmented regions)
- Parameters
frame (numpy.ndarray) -- The input frame
minimum_segment_size (float) -- The minimum size of the segmented region in the ratio to the whole frame. Range (0, 1)
- Returns
The matrix with shape (num_regions x num_regions) whose cell [i, j] represents the contrast between the region i and region j, and the corresponding labeled image (segmentation)
- Return type
(list, numpy.ndarray)
(frame, threshold=5)[source]¶ Find the position of letterbox (black bars around the scene) in the input cv2 video object. The function assumes the letter box of the frame is black (dark)
- Parameters
frame (numpy.ndarray) -- Input frame
threshold (int) -- The brightness threshold value that distinguish the region of interest (bright) and letterbox (dark)
- Returns
The smaller row index of letterbox (bound for upper horizontal letterbox), the larger row index of letterbox (bound for lower horizontal letterbox), the smaller col index of letterbox (bound for left vertical letterbox), and the larger col index of letterbox (bound for right vertical letterbox).
- Return type
(int, int, int, int)
(gray_image, labels)[source]¶ Get the region adjacency graph using the labeled image and corresponding the edge map generated by greyscale image with sobel filter
- Parameters
gray_image (numpy.ndarray) -- The greyscale image corresponding to the labeled image
labels (numpy.ndarray) -- a labeled segmented image, where the pixels in the image are labeled with index of the segmented regions.
- Returns
The region adjacency graph in dictionary see for more references
- Return type
(image, start_row=0, start_col=0, row_size=- 1, col_size=- 1, num_iter=3, return_masks=False)[source]¶ Perform the GrabCut segmentation over the input image with a rectangle of possible foreground specified by user. The GrabCut segment the image into two parts foreground and background, and the function return the 1D image of the foreground and background as the output
- Parameters
image (numpy.ndarray) -- The input image for GrabCut segmentation
start_row (int) -- The starting row of the foreground rectangle of possible foreground
start_col (int) -- The starting col of the foreground rectangle of possible foreground
row_size (int) -- The vertical length of the rectangle
col_size (int) -- The horizontal length of the rectangle
num_iter (int) -- The number of iterations for GrabCut to run
return_masks (bool) -- Return the foreground and background boolean mask if True Return the 1D image of foreground pixels and 1D image of background pixels if False False by default
- Returns
If return_masks is False (default), 1D image of the foreground part of the image, and 1D image of the background part of the image Expected shape== Number of pixels x channels. If return_masks is True, return boolean masks foreground and background. Expected shape==image.shape
- Return type
(numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray)
(rag, num_regions)[source]¶ Transfer the region adjacency dictionary to a more accessible region adjacency matrix where in the matrix, 1 means the region of corresponding column index is adjacent to the region of corresponding row index/ e.g. 0,1 1,0 means region 0 and region 1 are adjacent
- Parameters
rag (skimage.future.graph.RAG) -- region adjacency dictionary
num_regions (int) -- number of regions in the region adjacency graph
- Returns
An binary adjacency matrix with shape==num_regions x num_regions
- Return type
(image, sample_ratio=0, mode='row-col')[source]¶ Randomly sample an amount of pixels from an image based on the given sampled ratio. Two sampling mode are available. row-col: sampling first across the row and then across the column on each sampled row The output sampled image is still 2D and keep same aspect ratio as the input image, which can be used to visualize the sampling effect on the image. flat: sampling across the flat input image. The shape and aspect ratio of the input image are not preserved due to the flatten process, but it sample the pixels much faster than 'row-col' mode. The distribution of the sampling result is similar to that from the 'row-col'
- Parameters
image (numpy.ndarray) -- Input 2D image. Either a multi-channel color image or a single channel greyscale image Expected shape==height x width x (channels)
sample_ratio (float) -- The amount of pixels sampled from the image. in range [0, 1]
mode (str) -- two sampling mode are available. 1) 'row-col' sampling mode 2) 'flat' sampling mode
- Returns
If mode="flat", return the resampled array of pixels (1-d flat array of data points) If mode="row-col", return the resampled image
- Return type
(image, minimum_segment_size=0.0004, base_ratio=0.5, denoise_disk_size=5, gradiant_disk_size=5, marker_disk_size=15)[source]¶ Label the connected regions in an image. Use edge detection approach with watershed algorithm. adjust the critical gradient (edge gradient) with the distribution of the input image's intensity gradient .
- Parameters
image (numpy.ndarray) -- The input color image for region segmentation using gradient-based watershed
minimum_segment_size (float) -- The minimum size of the segments in the segmented image in percentage (size is the relative ratio of the image) The segmented regions smaller than the minimum size will be merged to its neighboring larger segmented components
base_ratio (float) -- Amount of regions at least in the image. The image in watershed transformation is differentiated into two parts regions + boundaries. The base ratio is the ratio between the least amount of pixels that are regions and the total amount of pixels in the image.
denoise_disk_size (int) -- the kernel size of the denoise median filter
gradiant_disk_size (int) -- the kernel size of the gradient filter that is used for determining the amount of boundaries
marker_disk_size (int) -- the kernel size of the gradient filter that is used for generating transformation marker
- Returns
the segmented image, where shape==input_image.shape. and regions are labeled from 0 to n-1, where n is the number of regions in the labeled image. Functions also return the greyscale image corresponding to the original image
- Return type
(numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray)